Rebuilding a project history in Bazaar

I'm pretty new to bzr, and I'm afraid I need some help from bzr gurus to achieve what I started. It's not easy to explain in english, so I decided to draw a diagram for it.

Here it is: in SVG and PNG

I'm trying to manually rebuild a project history from { CVS, then BZR }, to BZR. I finished the CVS part, in the target project (ProjectB), and merged it to trunk at rev 3.

Now I need to import the contents of the source project (ProjectA) to get the full history, before continuing the development in projectB.

I first checked out source trunk branch Ax, and pushed it to project B as branch Bx. I used bzr bind to change the parent in my working directory.

bzr merge -r0..1 lp:branch_Bx

We could not avoid a rename+add of files to solve the merge conflict case. But now the branches do have a common ancestor and next merges are easy. Thus I merged the last Bx revision in as trunk rev 5.

But then come further problems:
How can I connect copies of branches Ay and Az to Bx ?

Now I realised that actually Ax and Ay could be considered as a single branch, since they were built by the same author. So I reverted main branch to rev 3 and restarted a similar manipulation, linking a copy of branch Ay (which includes Ax) to the trunk.

But I still have a problem to integrate history from branch Az.

Ooops, no suitable plugin available for SVG. But you should be able to download the file and display it on your computer.